Current RVCCA Ladder Standings:
1. Mike Rohe (USCF: 1684)
2. Taylor Scott (USCF: 501)
3. Ben Stimpson
4. Mike Wittje (USCF: 414)
5. Joshua Kerr (USCF: 297)
6. Jake Anders
7. Noah Hamblen
8. Ernest Hamblen
9. Gabe Archie
10. Sam Brewer
Ladder rules:
- A player may challenge anyone higher on the ladder.
- A challenge may be refused only if the two players have already played the same night.
- If a lower-ranked player beats a higher-ranked player, the lower-ranked player takes the space above the higher-ranked player if they are three or fewer spaces apart. Otherwise, the lower-ranked player moves up three spaces.
- On the night of each regular monthly meeting, every player who hasn't played since the previous regular monthly meeting drops one space.
- New players enter the ladder just below the lowest-ranked player who has played within the past month.
- Matches must have a minimum time control of G/30 +5 (All time controls must have a 5 second delay)