
Amended 12 April, 2011 (TENTATIVE)


The name of this organization shall be the River Valley Community Chess Association (or the RVCCA) For purposes of simplicity, it may be referred to as the River Valley Community Chess Club.

Note: The reference to RVHSA refers to the River Valley High School Chess Administration (RVHSCA), for purposes of simplicity: River Valley High School Chess Club.


The purpose of the Association shall be:

A) To enlighten the minds of the community.

B) To challenge the minds of our area.

C) Inspire sportsmanship, intellect, and creativity within the community.

D) To create a positive social setting.

E.) To maintain an affiliation with the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF) under ‘RV Community Chess Association’. USCF ID: A6034660

F.) To conduct tournaments rated by the USCF.

G.) To provide chess instruction for members and for the community.

H). To play chess.


Section 1. Members of the RVCCA shall be the residents of the River Valley Area that choose to actively participate in our gathering of like minds.

a.) The River Valley Community Chess Association (RVCCA) offers two levels of membership, regular and supporting.

Annual Dues
Senior (65+)

b.) Family memberships include all adults and children living in a single household.

c.) Members enjoy discounted event fees.

d.) Membership is effective until the first meeting in January of the following year.

I. Members will receive a membership card from the RVCCA within a few months after payment.

II. Benefits of paid membership: Including, but not limited to: Ladder rankings, competing with the RVCCA as a team in tournaments, carpooling to tournaments, VOTING PRIVILEGES, etc.

IV. Only paid members will be able to participate in official club voting.

Section 2. Members have the option to be contacted by the RVCCA via e-mail/phone regarding the times/dates of upcoming meetings and/or events.

I. All members will be asked to fill out a contact sheet so we are able to send out updates and tournament info, etc.


Section 1. The Board of Officers shall consist of the President, the Secretary And General Executive (S.A.G.E.), the Vice President, and the Executive Secretary.  The Vice President, S.A.G.E., Executive Secretary, and any other position, shall be voted upon by members or appointed by the President and/or Lead Chairman of the Board (only in extenuating circumstances) , but may be subject to recall under ARTICLE X below. For administrative purposes, the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the Secretary And General Executive (S.A.G.E.), the Vice President, the Executive Secretary, the Lead Chairman of the Board, and two Chairmen.

Section 2. The Lead Chairman of the Board shall be the head adviser to the board and second adviser to the President (if not appointed as such, the most senior Chairman will be acting Lead Chairman of the Board):

I. The duties of the Lead Chairman of the Board shall be as follows:

a. To supervise the proceedings of RVCCA meetings.

b. To approve announcements and other documents, if deemed necessary.

c. To act as spokesperson for the Association in matters concerning the media, other chess organizations, and in all other situations, unless relinquished to President.

d. To collect and distribute information to members (announcements, ladder rankings etc.) 

e. To interpret the meaning of this Constitution.

f. To assist the President in all matters concerning the RVCCA.

g. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.

Section 3. The President shall be the President of the RVCCA, lead officer, and head of the Board of Officers:

I. The duties of the President shall be as follows:

a. To collect and distribute information to members (announcements, ladder rankings etc.) 

b. To maintain a list of Association members.

c. To initiate any tournaments by announcing and scheduling a tournament planning meeting, if necessary. Also by contacting the U.S. Chess Federation, i.e. TLA.

d. To initiate and conduct any voting.

e. To call and preside over normal meetings and other special meetings deemed necessary. Including holding an official organizational meeting in the last hour of the last meeting of the month.

i.              There must be at least two officers that attend the organizational meeting. At least one chairman is preferred. 

ii.             It is the responsibility of the officers and chairmen to attend.

iii.            Ideas (etc.) are presented by officers, chairmen, and any present members.

iv.           An officer or chairman must make a motion to approve ideas, with another seconding it. Afterwards votes of ‘I’ may agree or disagree with the movement. Any objections will be addressed by the President (To effect: Robert’s Rules of Order

f. To appoint committees and sub-committees appropriate to the business of the Association.

g. To appoint a Tournament Organizer, if necessary.

h. To act as spokesperson for the Association in matters concerning the media, other chess organizations, and in all other situations.

i. To interpret the meaning of this Constitution.

j. To maintain the financial records of the Association and to make a financial report available upon request (after the duties of the Vice-President/Treasurer).

k. To set the registration fee for the Tournament.

l. To appoint a successor for the remainder of the term if unable to complete the term of office. Otherwise the Secretary And General Executive (S.A.G.E.) shall assume the role of President if possible, otherwise continuing down chain of command.

m. To advise the forthcoming President in regard to the duties, organization, and information necessary to the job of President

n. To ensure all financial obligations are paid with available River Valley Community Chess Association (RVCCA) funds.

o. To appoint (in extenuating circumstances) a Secretary And General Executive (S.A.G.E.), a Vice President, a Executive Secretary, Lead Chairman of the Board, and two Chairmen, or any other position, and to direct them as to their duties and responsibilities, which this Constitution shall define.

p. To maintain and update documents, information and the ‘River Valley Community Chess Club’ Facebook page and Blogspot.

q. To maintain the ladder rankings, as stated under ARTICLE XIV.

r. To advertise RVCCA by use of posters posted around community, by word of mouth, through Community Calendar, and through Home News; for example.

s. To arrange RVCCA meetings and inform the members.

t. To set frequency of RVCCA meetings.

u. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.

v. To manage the finances and all financial accounts of the RVCCA, unless relinquished upon conditional and impermanent terms to the Vice President, as deemed by the President.

w. Arrange chess club t-shirt design, order, and other matters including setting prices of t-shirts.

x. To maintain any sponsorships which are to be regulated or terminated at the discretion of the President.

y. To oversee memberships, as stated under ARTICLE III.

z. Maintain the RVCCA Affiliation to the USCF.

aa. Shall be ex-officio member of all committees.  

II. The Tournament Organizer shall be selected by the President before tournaments. The default Tournament Organizer is the S.A.G.E. The duties of the organizer (also shared by the President) are as follows:

a. To arrange for the tournament date and site.

b. To set registration fees for tournaments with consideration to the advice from the Board of Directors.

c. To set up a registration desk to accept all fees and names of all players.

d. Make announcements before the tournament begins, and as needed between tournament rounds, unless relinquished to the Chief Tournament Director.
e. To invite media representatives to the tournament and forward tournament results to them.

f. To attend to any other matters that arise during tournaments or planning, as recognized by the President or Board of Directors, or Board of Officers, subject to overrule or decision by the President.

g. To advertise tournament by use of posters posted around community, by word of mouth, through Community Calendar, and through local newspapers; for example.

h. Schedule tournaments at least quarterly during the year, at the discretion of Tournament Organizer/President.

i. To set up concessions for tournament (i.e. setting up concession committee, recruiting volunteers to bring in food and drink, etc.).

j. To honor any RVCCA’s conditional obligation to organize and sponsor RVHSCA tournaments

k. To appoint and arrange for a Chief Tournament Director and assistants.
Note: Under the best conditions, the Tournament Organizer, predominately being the President or S.A.G.E. (also open to Board of Directors, and experienced parties), will take upon themselves the duty of Chief Tournament Director.

Section 4. The Secretary And General Executive shall be the S.A.G.E. and secondary officer of the RVCCA.

I. The duties of the Secretary And General Executive (S.A.G.E.) shall be as follows:

a. To assist the President in all matters concerning the RVCCA.

b. To take note of all proceedings deemed necessary. Including the organizational meetings’ minutes, if the Executive Secretary is not available.

c. The S.A.G.E shall be promoted to acting President before all other officers (if there is no forthcoming president) when the President is not available, therefore taking on all of the duties of the President.

d. To interpret the meaning of this Constitution.

e. To be default Tournament Organizer, unless otherwise appointed.

f. To advise the forthcoming S.A.G.E. in regard to the duties, organization, and information necessary to the job of Secretary And General Executive.  This training will occur at the end of the current S.A.G.E.’s term.

g. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.
h. To provide calculated advice to the President.

Section 5. The Vice President shall be the Vice President of the RVCCA, Treasurer, and third in command officer.

I. The duties of the Vice President shall be as follows:

a. To assist the President in all matters concerning the RVCCA.

b. To be promoted to acting President when the President is not available, if neither the forthcoming president nor the S.A.G.E. are available to do so, therefore taking on all of the duties of the President.

c. To advise the forthcoming Vice President in regard to the duties, organization, and information necessary to the job of Vice President.  This training will occur in the last months of the current Vice President’s term.

d. To manage the finances and all financial accounts of the RVCCA, upon conditional and impermanent terms as deemed by the President.

e. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.

f. To collect dues for memberships, as stated under ARTICLE III.

g. Shall for all intents and purposes, be the ‘Sergeant in Arms’ of the RVCCA.
i.              Must issue a copy of the RVCCA bylaws to all new members.

ii.             Must check that everyone voting in any official situations is a paid member.

iii.            Ensure club behavior is in accordance with the bylaws, and the rules/regulations that are in effect of wherever we go as a club.

h. To ensure the safety of the President, and resultantly, the Board of Directors, during all matters of RVCCA business, direct or indirect; especially during fundraising and tournament proceedings.

Section 6. The Executive Secretary shall be the official secretary of the RVCCA and forth in command officer:

I. The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be as follows:

a. To assist the President in all matters concerning the RVCCA.

b. To take note of all proceedings deemed necessary, especially the minutes of the organizational meeting. Which must be made available to the President well before the next organizational meeting and made available to the Board of Directors during the next organizational meeting.

c. To collect and distribute information to club members (announcements, rankings etc.) 

d. To be promoted to acting President when the President is not available, if the forthcoming president nor the S.A.G.E. nor the Vice President are available to do so, therefore taking on all of the duties of the President.

e. To advise the forthcoming Executive Secretary in regard to the duties, organization, and information necessary to the job of Executive Secretary.  This training will occur at the end of the current Executive Secretary’s term.

f. To hand out membership cards, when made available, whenever necessary, as stated in ARTICLE III

g. To maintain and update documents, information and the ‘River Valley Community Chess Club’ Facebook page and Blogspot.

h. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.

i. To take upon themselves various tasks of organizing any aspect of the RVCCA, to the discretion of the President.

Section 7. The Chairmen shall be the advisors/supervisors of the RVCCA:

I. The duties of the Chairmen shall be as follows:

a. To supervise the proceedings of the club meetings and tournaments.

b. To approve announcements and other documents, if deemed necessary.

c. To act as spokespeople for the Association in matters concerning the media, other chess organizations, and in all other situations, unless relinquished to President.

d. To collect and distribute information to members (announcements, rankings etc.) 

e. To assist the President in all matters concerning the RVCCA.

f. To maintain and update documents, information and the ‘River Valley Community Chess Club’ Facebook page and Blogspot.

g. To ensure in which ever ways possible that RVCCA remains a positive, contributing, and active part of the River Valley Area.


Section 1. The RVCCA shall meet at least once weekly, subject to adjustment.

Section 2. The agenda for (official) meeting(s) shall include:

a. Report of the RVCCA given by the President (i.e. announcements, contributions to community, upcoming events, etc.)
(Organizational Meeting, subject to ARTICLE IV, Section 3, sub-section e)
b. Rankings
c. Tournament issues, if applicable
d. Financial reports
(Organizational Meeting, subject to ARTICLE IV, Section 3, sub-section e)
e. Tournament Organizer’s report, if applicable
f. Voting, if applicable
(Organizational Meeting, subject to ARTICLE IV, Section 3, sub-section e)
g. Amendments to the Constitution, if applicable
(Organizational Meeting, subject to ARTICLE IV, Section 3, sub-section e)
h. Discussion of date for the upcoming tournament, if applicable
i. Collection of refreshment and Association dues and debts
j. Other items of interest to the members
          (Organizational Meeting, subject to ARTICLE IV, Section 3, sub-section e)
k. Playing Chess

Section 1. There are no fees or official dues that must be paid to be in the RVCCA.

I. To receive full membership benefits, members must heed ARTICLE III.

II. Fees may be charged for tournaments, etc.


Section 1. Eligibility is up to the discretion of the tournament format and Tournament Organizer.

Section 2. Tournament Organizer will decide between an open tournament and an exclusive RVCCA members only tournament.


Section 1. The USCF Official Rules of Chess, latest edition, shall be followed at all times.

Section 2. A spectator may not communicate with any player whose game is in progress on matters pertaining to that game or any other game.

Section 3. While any game is in progress during a tournament certain conduct by players as well as spectators is considered unacceptable. All complaints shall be reported to the Tournament Organizer/Lead Chairman and noted.  If any action should persist after one warning from the Tournament Organizer/Lead Chairman to the offenders, the game or games may be forfeited and in the case of spectators, they may be removed from the tournament room/or venue for the duration of the tournament.

Section 4. Tournament Format (at discretion of Tournament Organizer)
Note: a and b are a default format.

a. Tournament is Swiss system.

b. Players are to be paired by the software program Swisssys or equivalent program.

d. All rules and matters regarding format are at Tournament Organizer’s discretion, unless relinquished to Chief Tournament Director. 

 Note: Applies, but not limited to, Tournaments

Section 1. As a general matter of policy, NO electronic devices are to be used during games. All cell phones and the like are to be silenced or turned off, at the discretion of the Chief Tournament Director.

Section 2. If a player's cell phone rings during their game, the Lead Chairman or Chief Tournament Director may assume custody of the phone until the player is finished with their game, violation will be noted by Tournament Organizer. Player may have repercussions applied at the discretion of the Chief Tournament Director, including but not limited to, halving of the guilty party’s current game play time.

Section 3. If, during the remainder of the tournament, there is another violation, the player will forfeit the game being played when the violation occurs, and will be suspended from the rest of the tournament.

Section 4. If a player/spectator is discovered to be giving or receiving advice regarding a game, including the use of a cell phone, pocket computer or other electronic device, the player will forfeit the game played, and that player/spectator and any other player(s)/spectator(s) involved will be suspended from the rest of the tournament and escorted out of the room, at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer/Chief Tournament Director.

Section 5. If, before the match begins, a player expresses to the Tournament Organizer/Chief Tournament Director that there is a reason s/he believes it is necessary to have a cell phone turned on, and the player is willing to leave the phone in the Lead Chairman/Chief Tournament Director's possession (on “vibrate”) in anticipation of the call, and if all agree that this is appropriate given the circumstances, the player will be permitted to receive a call during the match without penalty (clock paused). While taking the call, the player must leave the playing area, accompanied by the official in charge of the match (to be certain the call has nothing to do with the game). 


Section 1. Officers/Chairmen of the Association serve at the pleasure of the members.  If at any time, another officer/member/chairperson wishes to begin the process to recall an officer/chairperson, s/he may do so by stating as such and calling for a vote in the presence of enough officers and chairmen to receive a two/thirds vote to pass. Such recall challenges can be made at any time.  Appropriate reasons for recalling officers/chairmen include, but are not limited to, mishandling or misappropriation of funds, dishonesty, favoritism, or prejudice related to the exercise of the office/position, failure or refusal to execute the responsibilities of the office/position as stated in this Constitution, or other similarly serious charges. 

Section 2. Persons making such challenges should do so only after consulting with the officer(s)/chairman(men) in question, if possible, and with other members, if appropriate, being certain that the things they allege are, to the best of their knowledge, true, and that other remedies to solve the problem have been exhausted. 

Section 3. If, after votes are cast, at least two-thirds of the officers/chairmen are in favor of the recall, the officer/chairman is recalled. 

Section 4. If recall fails after vote from officers/chairmen, and only after it fails, the person that called the vote may take a member vote. If at least two-thirds of the members present are in favor of the recall, the official is recalled.

Section 4a. If a recalled officer wishes to repeal the recall they must submit their intention, in writing, to the President and/or Lead Chairman before the next meeting. They may have time, during the next meeting, to state his repeal claim to the members/ Board of Directors, individually or assembled.

Section 4b. After being given the time during the duration of the meeting to state their case, in the last five minutes of the meeting the recalled officer may call a vote. If no less than half of the Board of Directors present AND at least half of the members present agree that the officer be reinstated, they shall be.

Section 5. No officer or chairman whether successfully recalled or not, shall impose any penalty, official or not, nor effect any other type of reprisal, on anyone who initiates or supports a recall effort against him or her.

Section 6. Officers/chairmen recalled from office retain their rights as members of the Association provided they comply with the needs of the organization, such as forwarding all materials related to their office on a timely basis to the person who succeeds them in that office.

Section 7. The President or acting President will appoint new officers/chairmen only if a vote is not applicable at the time. The process will follow ARTICLE XI.

Section 8. All changes within Board of Officers/Board of Directors will be noted and signed by restructured Board of Officers/Directors and recalled officer/chairman, refusal by recalled officer/chairman may result in loss of membership or other reprimands at discretion of restructured Board of Officers/Directors.   

Section 9. If an officer/chairman wishes to step down or cannot complete their full term they will formally be relieved by a successor voted upon (or appointed by the President) (See ARTICLE XI below), provided retiring officer complies with the needs of the organization, such as forwarding all materials related to their office on a timely basis to the person who succeeds them in that office.


Section 1. If an officer/chairman wishes to step down or are recalled, the President will call for a vote (under normal circumstances) to be held during the next few upcoming meeting and notify the Association members as to when the vote will take place at least 2 weeks ahead of the vote.

Section 2. Potential candidates may submit their name for candidacy to the President up to one week before the vote.

a. The President will spend at least one meeting going over the duties of the position with the potential candidate(s); candidate(s) must be reminded of the significance of the position.

b. Candidates are able to withdraw their bid for the position if they do not believe they would be able to follow and complete ALL of the duties of the position.

c. The members will pick the candidate they believe will complete the duties of the position with the most understanding and proficiency.

d. For the rest of their term (minimum of two meetings) the retiring officer/chairman will direct the forthcoming officer/chairman in the duties of the position and slowly relinquish them to the forthcoming official. If the retiring official is unable to do this the President or S.A.G.E will direct the forthcoming officer.

e. A President’s appointed candidate may be overruled by a two thirds majority vote called by any member of the association. (Article XI, Section 1 repeated)


Awards will be awarded at the conclusion of the tournament to the calculated winner. Other awards may be awarded at the discretion of the President/Tournament Organizer/Chief Tournament Director.


RVCCA members are put into a ranking ladder if they wish.

Section 1. Games during meetings between members are by default ranked games.

I. Games outside of meeting may also be ranked, following the same rules as Section 1.

II. If a member wishes for a game to be unranked s/he must state so before the first move of the game.

Section 2. The players are ranked in a ladder format.

I.             A player may challenge anyone higher on the ladder.
II.           A challenge may be refused only if the two players have already played the same night.
III.          If a lower-ranked player beats a higher-ranked player, the lower-ranked player takes the space above the higher-ranked player if they are three or fewer spaces apart. Otherwise, the lower-ranked player moves up three spaces.
IV.          On the night of each regular monthly meeting, every player who hasn't played since the previous regular monthly meeting drops one space.
V.            New players enter the ladder just below the lowest-ranked player who has played within the past month.
VI.          Matches must have a minimum time control of G/30 +5 (All time controls must have a 5 second delay)
Section 3. All issues or errors related to rankings are to be taken up with the President, who will have the final discretion in the matter.

Section 4. Player may also be simultaneously ranked within the USCF, FIDE, etc.


Section 1. It is the President’s/Vice–President’s (Treasurer’s) duty to ensure all financial obligations of the RVCCA are paid with available River Valley Community Chess Association (RVCCA) funds.


Section 1. At the least, every year the RVCCA will contribute to the community with a project.

I. The Board of Officers/Directors will appoint a committee that will pick a project to contribute to, and oversee all matters related to the project.

Section 2. The RVCCA and the RVHSCA are responsible for pickup and cleaning of a stretch of Highway, named HWY 23, from the WI River to Spring Green, in Sauk County, WI.

I. Plans/rules will be outlined in the resources provided by the WI Department of Transportation (WI DOT).

II. All volunteers must watch WI DOT safety video.

III. The RVCCA and the RVHSCA are not liable for ANY damages/injuries at any time, at any location, including, but not limited to: trash pickup, etc..


This constitution can be amended at any RVCCA meeting or special meeting called by a member of the Board of Officers (all officers must be notified), providing all officers have an opportunity to vote, and the vote is a two-thirds majority. Chairmen/members may voice their opinion and may have an officer sponsor their idea for change.